The Hunter Valley is home to approximately 150 wineries offering a wide variety of wines to choose from. Add to this over 60 restaurants and cafes, a large number of gourmet food providers and now also 4 brew-houses.
With so many choices, things to plan, places to see, wine and food options and the myriad of things to do while here, it can often prove to be overwhelming and difficult to navigate your way around.
THE MAP has been providing visitors to the Hunter Valley with the navigation tools they need to make the most of their time in Hunter Valley Wine Country for over 5 years - with the large printed map available at over 500 locations throughout the Hunter Valley. It's always been the most popular map as it's the only map to pinpoint all cellar doors, all restaurants, all cafes and all providores with handy area trails to make navigating Wine Country easy!
Now, the all new interactive, digital version of THE MAP lets you plan your trip before leaving home. Best of all, it's downloadable so you can take it with you!
Simply CLICK |PLAN | GO!